
v1.1 Publishing history:
v1.0: 01/10/24
v1.1: 12/01/25


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‘Glossary of Stornoway Slang: Words with a variety of origins’. (1.) This a list of Hebridean English words and phrases associated with Stornoway usage, contained on a single (recto) page of a newspaper with the running header ‘Metagama Gazette [p.] 19’; no date is given. The SS Metagama set sail from Stornoway on 21 April 1923 with 300 Lewismen with an average age of 22 on board bound for Canada (Hebridean Connections 27104). Whether the list was originally intended as a momento of this occasion is not known; there may be no link. (2.) A small advertisment on the right-hand side of the title on the front page of The Portrona Gazette (edited by Muriel Ann MacLeod and, although dated Saturday 27 July 1896, apparently produced for a theatre production during the 1990s) announces the ‘Glossary of Stornoway Slang back page’, but this was not the same glossary (pers. comm. Maighread Stiùbhart).

Gluaiseanna Gaeilge Würzburg.

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